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Renaissance Capital's 2016 US IPO Annual Review

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With the S&P 500 at record highs and average IPO returns handily beating the broad market indices, the US IPO market should have produced high levels of issuance in 2016. Instead, proceeds fell to their lowest level since 2003 and activity was the more

Trump's plan to lower corporate tax rates could benefit many small/mid-cap IPOs

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Lowering corporate taxes has been at the top of the Trump agenda and, under a Republican controlled legislature, it is possible that a change in tax policy can be accomplished in the next few years. The details: The proposal is to more

US IPO Weekly Recap: 4 IPOs price as Hawaii's top bank gains 8%


Four IPOs raised almost $700 million this past week. Coming in first was First Hawaiian with an 8% gain; the state's largest bank raised $485 million in the largest banking IPO since 2014. Meanwhile, high-growth retailer At Home Group was not a home run, more

First Hawaiian prices IPO at $23, the high end of the range

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First Hawaiian, a Hawaii-based spin-off from BNP with 62 branches and $19 billion in assets, raised $485 million by offering 21.1 million shares at $23, the high end of the range of $21 to $23. First Hawaiian plans to list on the Nasdaq under the symbol more