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Global Water Resources Priced, Nasdaq: GWRS

Operates water and wastewater utilities in metropolitan Phoenix, AZ.

Industry: Utilities

First Day Return: 0.0%

Industry: Utilities

We are a water resource management company that owns, operates and manages water, wastewater and recycled water utilities in strategically located communities, principally in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. We seek to deploy our integrated approach, “Total Water Management,” a term we use to mean managing the entire water cycle by owning and operating the water, wastewater and recycled water utilities within the same geographic areas in order to both conserve water and maximize its total economic and social value. We use Total Water Management to promote sustainable communities in areas where we expect growth to outpace the existing potable water supply. Our model focuses on the broad issues of water supply and scarcity and applies principles of water conservation through water reclamation and reuse. Our basic premise is that the world’s water supply is limited and yet can be stretched significantly through effective planning, the use of recycled water and by providing individuals and communities resources that promote wise water usage practices.
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Global Water Resources (GWRS) Performance