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Renaissance IPO Index - Notice of December 2014 Quarterly Changes

The Renaissance IPO Index (Ticker: IPOUSA), the underlying index for the Renaissance IPO ETF (Ticker: IPO), will implement the following constituent changes at the market’s close on Friday, December 19, 2014: Additions: more

Renaissance IPO Index - Notice of December 2014 Quarterly Changes

The Renaissance IPO Index (Ticker: IPOUSA), the underlying index for the Renaissance IPO ETF (Ticker: IPO), will implement the following constituent changes at the market’s close on Friday, December 19, 2014: Additions: more

Global IPO 3Q 2014 Review: North America Rules IPO Race as Alibaba Makes History

The global IPO market continued its fast start of 2014 in the third quarter. Thanks to Alibaba Group’s historic $21.7 billion IPO, quarterly proceeds were up nearly 200% year-over-year. Excluding Alibaba, quarterly IPO proceeds were led by the more

Alibaba Group Holding added to Renaissance IPO ETF (IPO)

Alibaba Group Holding has been added to the Renaissance IPO ETF as of market close on September 25, 2014. At the company’s $88.92 closing price on September 25, Alibaba will be the more