Volatility is back. The VIX Index went above 30 for the first time since August 2015. That long-dormant volatility has immediately begun to derail IPO activity: Three deals postponed this past week, and two more pushed back to next week. Of the six that priced, ...read more
LINE (LN), the popular Japanese messaging platform, popped 27% on Thursday after raising $1.15 billion in the largest US tech IPO since Alibaba in September 2014. While tech IPO activity still remains well below historical levels, LINE’s IPO is the...read more
The Renaissance IPO Index (Ticker: IPOUSA), the underlying index for the Renaissance IPO ETF (NYSE Ticker: IPO), will implement the following constituent changes at the market’s close on Friday, March 18, 2016: Additions: Grupo Aval Acciones y...read more
Tech IPOs see a hard road in 2016: Higher volatility, lower returns, contracting multiples 2015 saw the lowest tech IPO activity since 2009, and 2016 is not looking much better. The VIX Volatility Index rose again this week - it has remained above 20 almost...read more
What happens to the IPO market when volatility spikes?
Volatility is back. The VIX Index went above 30 for the first time since August 2015. That long-dormant volatility has immediately begun to derail IPO activity: Three deals postponed this past week, and two more pushed back to next week. Of the six that priced, ...read more
LINE pops 27% on billion-dollar debut, sending a positive message to tech IPOs
LINE (LN), the popular Japanese messaging platform, popped 27% on Thursday after raising $1.15 billion in the largest US tech IPO since Alibaba in September 2014. While tech IPO activity still remains well below historical levels, LINE’s IPO is the...read more
Renaissance IPO Index - Notice of March 2016 Quarterly Changes
The Renaissance IPO Index (Ticker: IPOUSA), the underlying index for the Renaissance IPO ETF (NYSE Ticker: IPO), will implement the following constituent changes at the market’s close on Friday, March 18, 2016: Additions: Grupo Aval Acciones y...read more
Tech sector sell-off sends 2015 IPOs below issue, challenges 2016 tech
Tech IPOs see a hard road in 2016: Higher volatility, lower returns, contracting multiples 2015 saw the lowest tech IPO activity since 2009, and 2016 is not looking much better. The VIX Volatility Index rose again this week - it has remained above 20 almost...read more