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US IPO Weekly Recap: Pivotal Software gains 5% as 5 IPOs price and 3 delay


• 8 IPOs had planned to raising $2.6 billion, but instead 5 IPOs raised $1.4 billion • Despite tech sector's strength, top-performer Pivotal Software gained just 5%; week averaged 2% • IPO market is not firing on all cylinders, though more

Pivotal Software prices IPO at $15, within the range

Pivotal Software logo

Pivotal Software, a DellEMC spin-off providing a platform to streamline cloud software development, raised $555 million by offering 37 million shares at $15, within the range of $14 to $16. Pivotal Software plans to list on the NYSE under the symbol more

The number of 2018 US tech IPOs will double over the next 10 days

Pivotal Software logo

A wave of US tech IPOs has taken over the April IPO calendar. Five US tech companies are going public over the next 10 days, more than double the four that have IPO'd year-to-date. Those four average a 42% return from IPO, with stand-out returns from the more

US IPO Week Ahead: A pivotal week with 8 IPOs


Eight deals are on the calendar for the week ahead looking to raise a combined $2.6 billion. Headlining the week is DellEMC spin-off Pivotal Software, which provides a platform for enterprises to manage cloud-based apps. The company is expected to more