Since (LGZ) became the first company to publicly file (on May 11) after working through a confidential submission with the SEC, twelve more companies have done so, representing 34% of the 35 US filings since May 11. As we have noted previously, more
Hi-Crush Partners, which produces frac sand used in recovering hydrocarbons from oil and natural gas wells, priced its 11.25 million share IPO at $17, below the $19-$21 range. Based on the company's minimum annualized distributions/share of $1.90, it offers more
The following IPOs are expected to price this week: Hi-Crush Partners LP (HCLP), which produces frac sands used in recovering hydrocarbons from oil and nat gas wells, plans to raise $225 million by offering 11.3 million shares at a price range of $19.00 more
Despite three straight weeks of gains among broader equity markets, US IPO investors pushed hard for discounts in the last wave of deals before Labor Day. Three deals priced more than a dollar below the range; the fourth, Peregrine Semiconductor (PSMI), more
Confidential US filings becoming frequent stop on IPO road
Since (LGZ) became the first company to publicly file (on May 11) after working through a confidential submission with the SEC, twelve more companies have done so, representing 34% of the 35 US filings since May 11. As we have noted previously, more
Hi-Crush Partners prices at $17, below the range
Hi-Crush Partners, which produces frac sand used in recovering hydrocarbons from oil and natural gas wells, priced its 11.25 million share IPO at $17, below the $19-$21 range. Based on the company's minimum annualized distributions/share of $1.90, it offers more
One US IPO planned for the week of Aug 13
The following IPOs are expected to price this week: Hi-Crush Partners LP (HCLP), which produces frac sands used in recovering hydrocarbons from oil and nat gas wells, plans to raise $225 million by offering 11.3 million shares at a price range of $19.00 more
A buyers' market for US IPOs?
Despite three straight weeks of gains among broader equity markets, US IPO investors pushed hard for discounts in the last wave of deals before Labor Day. Three deals priced more than a dollar below the range; the fourth, Peregrine Semiconductor (PSMI), more