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US IPO Weekly Recap: 9 IPOs in final feast before Thanksgiving


Nine companies came public this week raising a combined $1.1 billion, plus one blank check company. The week's three largest expected IPOs postponed. All but two companies priced below the target midpoint. Enterprise tech darlings SailPoint more

AMERI Holdings prices $6 million Nasdaq offering at $4.115

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AMERI Holdings, an outsourced provider of IT services to SAP customers, raised $6.08 million by offering 1.475 million shares more

US IPO Week Ahead: Back-to-back record activity with 12 IPOs set to price


Following the busiest week of 2017, the week ahead will be another record breaker with 12 IPOs scheduled to raise a combined $2.1 billion. The week will be led by automated email platform SendGrid and more

US IPO Week Ahead: China's #2 search engine leads busiest week of 2017 with 11 IPOs


An active 4Q17 powers ahead with 11 IPOs scheduled to raise $2.0 billion in the coming week. That would make it the IPO market's busiest week of the year. The activity level is unsurprising given the 32 new filings in October, a two-year high. We also expect more