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Renaissance Capital's 3Q 2015 Global IPO Review

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Due to heightened market volatility stemming from economic growth concerns in China and uncertainty surrounding an interest rate hike in the United States, the global IPO market slowed dramatically in the third quarter. IPO issuance stagnated as more

Renaissance Capital's 3Q 2015 Quarterly US IPO Market Review

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US IPO Market Contracts as Returns Slump in the Third Quarter The IPO market slowed in the 3Q 2015 to 34 deals, down 43% year-over-year, hurt by the broad market sell-off and specific sector conditions, including a near absence of tech and more

Renaissance IPO Index - Notice of September 2015 Quarterly Changes

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The Renaissance IPO Index (Ticker: IPOUSA), the underlying index for the Renaissance IPO ETF (Ticker: IPO), will implement the following constituent changes at the market’ more

July IPO activity was below average; will August outperform expectations?

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17 IPOs in July raised $2.8 billion in proceeds, falling far short of the 33 IPOs that raised $8.2 billion in July 2014. Year-to-date, 121 companies have gone public in 2015, more