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Renaissance Capital's 2014 Global IPO Annual Review

Supported by stable equity returns, global IPO issuance reached the highest levels since 2010. Annual IPO proceeds increased 48.7% to $204.8 billion. North America was the largest contributor to IPO issuance with the United States accounting for 39% of more

Renaissance Capital's 2014 US IPO Annual Review

Over the last year, the US IPO market set a 14-year record against a mostly low-volatility backdrop. With 273 IPOs, 2014 was the most active period of issuance since 406 companies went public in 2000. It was the second year of uninterrupted IPO activity, up more

Renaissance Capital's 2Q 2014 US IPO Market Review

After the most active first quarter since 2000, the 2Q14 trumped it with the highest number of IPOs in any quarter since the heyday of the tech bubble. With 83 IPOs priced, issuance was up 30% sequentially and 36% year-over-year. While biotechs dominated the more

Renaissance Capital's 2Q 2014 Global IPO Market Review


The global IPO market continued its fast start of 2014 in the second quarter. Quarterly proceeds were up 42.4% year-over-year. IPO proceeds in the 2Q14 were led by the European and North American regions, which accounted for 43.7% and 34.9% of quarterly more