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Select Energy Services Priced, NYSE: WTTR

Provides comprehensive water services for hydraulic fracturing.

Industry: Energy

First Day Return: +0.1%

Industry: Energy

We are a leading provider of total water solutions to the U.S. unconventional oil and gas industry. Within the major shale plays in the U.S., we believe we are a market leader in sourcing and transfer of water prior to its use in drilling and completion activities associated with fracking, which we refer to as "pre-frac water services." In most of our areas of operations, we provide complementary water-related services that support oil and gas well completion and production activities including containment, monitoring, treatment, flowback, hauling and disposal. Water and related services are increasingly important as oil and gas E&P companies have increased the complexity and completion intensity of horizontal wells (including the use of longer horizontal wellbore laterals, tighter spacing of frac stages in the laterals and increased water and proppant use per foot of lateral) in order to improve production and recovery of hydrocarbons. Historically, we have generated a substantial majority of our revenues through providing total water solutions to our customers. We provide our services to major integrated and large E&P companies, who typically represent the largest producers in each of our areas of operations.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 03/02/2017
Offer Price $14.00
Price Range $15.00 - $18.00
Offer Shares (mm) 8.7
Deal Size ($mm) $122
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 04/20/2017
Offer Price IPO Intelligence Only
Price Range IPO Intelligence Only
Offer Shares (mm) IPO Intelligence Only
Deal Size ($mm) $122
Lock-Up Date IPO Intelligence Only
Street Research IPO Intelligence Only
IPO Intelligence Only
Company Data
Headquarters Gainesville, TX, United States
Founded 2007
Employees at IPO 1,700

Select Energy Services (WTTR) Performance