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Viveon Health Acquisition Priced, NYSE American: VHAQ

Blank check company targeting the US orthopedic and spine industry (liquidated).

Industry: SPAC

First Day Return: +2.2%

Industry: SPAC

We are a blank check company. While we may acquire a business in any industry, our focus will be on the orthopedic and spine industry in the United States and other developed countries. We believe the healthcare industry, particularly the life sciences and medical technology sectors, represents an enormous and growing target market with a large number of potential target acquisition opportunities. In 2018, total U.S. national health expenditures exceeded $3.6 trillion, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated that total healthcare spending accounted for approximately 18% of total U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Our sponsor is an affiliate of Drs. Jagi Gill and Romilos Papadopoulos, each of whom has extensive experience in the orthopedic and spine industry, as mangers of businesses within this sector as well as merger and acquisition and corporate finance experience. Jagi Gill PhD, our Chief Executive Officer will serve as the Chairman of Board of Directors. Romilos Papadopoulos MD, who serves as our Chief Financial Officer, will also be appointed to our Board of Directors. We expect to appoint a board of five directors, three of whom, Lishan Aklog, Brian Cole and Doug Craft, will be independent pursuant to the rules of the NYSE American.
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Viveon Health Acquisition (VHAQ) Performance