We are a commercial-stage orthopaedic medical device company driving a paradigm shift in the surgical treatment of Hallux Valgus (commonly known as bunions). We have pioneered our proprietary Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction System -- a combination of novel instruments, implants and surgical methods designed to improve the inconsistent clinical outcomes of traditional approaches to bunion surgery. Although bunions are deformities typically caused by an unstable joint in the middle of the foot that leads to a three-dimensional (3D) misalignment in the foot’s anatomical structure, the majority of traditional surgical approaches focus on correcting the deformity from a two-dimensional (2D) perspective and therefore fail to address the root cause of the disorder. To effectively restore the normal anatomy of bunion patients and improve clinical outcomes, we believe addressing the root cause of the bunion is critical and have developed the Lapiplasty System to correct the deformity across all three anatomic dimensions. Our mission is to be the leader in the surgical treatment of bunions by establishing the Lapiplasty System as the standard of care.