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Syros Pharmaceuticals Priced, Nasdaq: SYRS

Developing gene expression therapies based on non-coding DNA research.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: +45.2%

Industry: Health Care

We are a biopharmaceutical company pioneering an understanding of the region of the genome controlling the activation and repression of genes. Our goal is to advance a new wave of medicines to control the expression of disease-driving genes. We have built a proprietary gene control platform designed to systematically and efficiently analyze this unexploited region of DNA in human disease tissue to identify and drug novel targets linked to genomically defined patient populations. Because gene expression is fundamental to the function of all cells, we believe that our gene control platform has broad potential to create medicines that achieve profound and durable benefit across therapeutic areas and a range of diseases. By focusing on genomically defined subsets of patients, we believe we can conduct efficient clinical trials with a higher likelihood of success. We are currently focused on developing treatments for cancer and immune-mediated diseases and are building a pipeline of gene control medicines. We plan to begin a Phase 2 clinical trial for our lead product candidate, SY-1425 (tamibarotene), in mid-2016. This trial will enroll genomically defined subsets of patients with relapsed or refractory acute myelogenous leukemia, or AML, and relapsed high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome, or MDS. We plan to initiate a Phase 1/2 clinical trial for our development candidate SY-1365, initially for the treatment of acute leukemia, in the first half of 2017. Both of these programs may have potential in additional indications. Using our platform, we are also generating a pipeline of novel preclinical drug candidates for genomically defined subsets of currently underserved patients. Our goal is to build a fully integrated biopharmaceutical company based on our leadership position in gene control.
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Syros Pharmaceuticals (SYRS) Performance