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Sensus Healthcare Priced, Nasdaq: SRTS

Sells low-energy x-ray systems for treating non-melanoma skin cancer and keloids.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: +17.3%

Industry: Health Care

We are a medical device company, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, specializing in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers and other skin conditions, such as keloids, with superficial radiation therapy. Superficial radiation therapy is based on a technology with decades of successful clinical use treating various benign and malignant skin conditions. Prior to the introduction of Mohs surgery and linear accelerators in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the predecessor of superficial radiation therapy, orthovoltage, was the standard of care in treating several skin conditions, including skin cancer. When Mohs surgery was developed and linear accelerators, or LINACS, were introduced to treat cancer, the manufacturers of the orthovoltage devices abandoned manufacturing these products believing that Mohs surgery and linear accelerators would ultimately become the standard of care in treating skin cancer. We believe that orthovoltage device manufacturers may have perceived these newer procedures and technology as being superior to orthovoltage for a number of reasons, including the fact that Mohs surgery did not require significant capital investment, other than specialized medical training, that higher-powered LINACS offered the ability to treat a wider variety of conditions because of its deeper x-ray penetration, and the perceived impracticalities of orthovoltage machines due to their large size. As a result, the orthovoltage technology became largely dormant.
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Sensus Healthcare (SRTS) Performance