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Salarius Pharmaceuticals (Flex Pharma) Priced, Nasdaq: SLRX

Developing dietary supplements for the treatment of muscle cramps and spasms.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: -6.6%

Industry: Health Care

We are a biotechnology company that is developing innovative and proprietary treatments for nocturnal leg cramps and spasms associated with severe neuromuscular conditions. Novel insights regarding neuromuscular physiology from our co-founders form the basis of our development efforts. We believe that activation of certain receptors in primary sensory neurons reduces the repetitive firing, or hyperexcitability, of alpha-motor neurons, thereby preventing or reducing the frequency and intensity of muscle cramps and spasms. We also believe that we are the only company developing products based on this mechanism of muscle cramp and spasm inhibition. We have conducted three randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over studies of our proprietary treatment, which have shown a statistically significant reduction in the intensity of muscle cramps induced in healthy normal volunteers. We intend to initially focus our drug development efforts on developing a product to treat nocturnal leg cramps. There is no drug product currently available in the United States that has been approved to treat nocturnal leg cramps.
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Salarius Pharmaceuticals (Flex Pharma) (SLRX) Performance