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Shengfeng Development Priced, Nasdaq: SFWL

Chinese contract logistics services provider.

Industry: Industrials

Latest Trade: $1.07 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: +0.5%

Return from IPO: -73.4%

Industry: Industrials

The VIE is one of the leading contract logistics service providers in China. Since the establishment of the VIE in 2001, our mission has been to provide logistics solutions to companies in need of storage and delivery assistance in China. Through our experienced management team, we apply our well-established management system and operation procedures to assist companies in China to increase efficiency and improve their own management systems with respect to transportation, warehousing and time management. Contract logistics is a comprehensive process that merges traditional logistics with supply chain management. Contract logistics companies outsource resource management tasks to third-party companies and handle activities such as planning and designing supply chains, designing facilities, processing orders, collecting payments, managing inventories, and providing client services.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 09/09/2022
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $5.00
Offer Shares (mm) 2.4
Deal Size ($mm) $10
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 03/30/2023
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $5.00
Offer Shares (mm) 2.4
Deal Size ($mm) $10
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Univest Securities
Company Data
Headquarters Fuzhou, China
Founded 2001
Employees at IPO 1,560

Shengfeng Development (SFWL) Performance