Our business was originally incorporated in Malaysia in 2018, and is principally involved in the provision of customizable software solutions encompassing several types of software such as a smart ordering system, Speed +, which is a smart solutions application software for the food and beverage industry. The Speed+ software is installed onto our existing Point of Sale (POS) machines, which are sourced from third-party suppliers. These POS machines, equipped with Speed+, are then leased to clients, providing a seamless and integrated solution for efficient order management and transaction processing. We also offer customizable software and application development for table ordering, QR ordering and self-service kiosk ordering. Our products and services such as our smart ordering system, Speed +, as well as any software and application development for table ordering, QR ordering and self-service kiosk ordering, are marketed to the bulk of our customers in Malaysia, who belong to the food and beverage (“F&B”) industry. However, the customizable nature of our software and application development services which further extends to customer relationship management and invoicing software is offered to businesses across different industries, with a focus on F&B but also extending to other industries such as Geotechnology, beauty products and property consulting.