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Replimune Group Priced, Nasdaq: REPL

Developing oncolytic immunotherapies to fight solid tumors.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: +1.1%

Industry: Health Care

We are a clinical-stage biotechnology company committed to applying our leading expertise in the field of oncolytic immunotherapy to transform the lives of cancer patients. We use our proprietary Immulytic platform to design and develop product candidates that are intended to maximally activate the immune system against solid tumors. The foundation of our platform consists of a proprietary, engineered strain of herpes simplex virus 1, or HSV-1, that has been "armed" with a fusogenic therapeutic protein intended to substantially increase anti-tumor activity. Our platform enables us to design multiple product candidates that incorporate various further genes whose expression is intended to augment the inherent properties of HSV-1 to both directly destroy tumor cells and induce an anti-tumor immune response. We are currently conducting a Phase 1/2 clinical trial with our lead product candidate, RP1, in approximately 150 patients with a range of solid tumors. We have entered into a collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, or BMS, which is providing its anti-PD-1 therapy, nivolumab, for use in combination with RP1 in this clinical trial.
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Replimune Group (REPL) Performance