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Q&K International Group Priced, Nasdaq: QK

Renovates and sub-leases apartments in Chinese cities.

Industry: Real Estate

First Day Return: +3.8%

Industry: Real Estate

We are a leading technology-driven long-term apartment rental platform in China, offering young, emerging urban residents conveniently-located, ready-to-move-in, and affordable branded apartments as well as facilitating a variety of value-added services. We are one of the pioneers in providing branded rental apartments in China. Under our dispersed lease-and-operate model, we lease apartments from landlords and transform these apartments, mostly from bare-bones condition, into standardized furnished rooms to lease to people seeking affordable residence in cities, following an efficient, technology-driven business process. We grew significantly at 114.4% CAGR from 940 available rental units in Shanghai as of December 31, 2012, the year when we started substantial operation, to 91,234 available rental units across six cities in China as of December 31, 2018. We ranked first among branded long-term apartment operators in the Yangtze mega-city cluster centered around Shanghai, one of the most prosperous regions in China, in terms of gross rental value in 2018 and the number of available rental units as of December 31, 2018, and third among branded long-term apartment operators in China, in terms of the same metrics, according to China Insights Consultancy.
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Q&K International Group (QK) Performance