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Press Ganey Holdings Priced, NYSE: PGND

Provides patient satisfaction survey and advisory services to healthcare providers.

Industry: Technology

First Day Return: +10.0%

Press Ganey is a leading provider of patient experience measurement, performance analytics and strategic advisory solutions for healthcare organizations across the continuum of care. Our mission is to help healthcare organizations reduce patient suffering and improve clinical quality, safety and the patient experience. We provide our clients with innovative, technology-based solutions that capture the perspectives of patients, physicians, nurses and other healthcare employees, which enable our clients to benchmark, analyze and improve the patient's care experience. We support clients in achieving the "Triple Aim" of improving the patient experience, managing their population's health and controlling costs through improved patient engagement and experience of care. We believe we offer a powerful value proposition to the healthcare industry, as we help drive transformational change through greater performance transparency, better care coordination and sustainable performance improvements.
IPO Data
IPO Date 05/20/2015
Offer Price IPO Intelligence Only
Price Range IPO Intelligence Only
Offer Shares (mm) IPO Intelligence Only
Deal Size ($mm) $223
Lock-Up Date IPO Intelligence Only
Street Research IPO Intelligence Only
IPO Intelligence Only
Company Data
Headquarters Wakefield, MA, United States
Founded 1985
Employees at IPO 996

Press Ganey Holdings (PGND) Performance

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