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OpGen Priced, Nasdaq: OPGN

Provides genetic tests that identify multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: -19.2%

Industry: Health Care

We are an early commercial stage company using molecular testing and bioinformatics to assist healthcare providers to combat multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. Our products and services are designed to enable healthcare providers to rapidly identify hospital patients who are colonized or infected with life threatening, multi-drug resistant organisms, or MDROs. Our Acuitas MDRO Gene Test, which is currently available for sale is the first CLIA lab-based test able to provide information regarding the presence of ten MDRO resistance genes from one patient specimen. Our Acuitas CR Elite Test, which is also commercially available, adds the ability for the healthcare provider to order a traditional microbiology culture result to be performed from the same specimen sent for our Acuitas MDRO Gene Test, thereby providing additional information about the organism or organisms associated with an active infection, as well as an antibiotic susceptibility profile for such organism or organisms. Our Lighthouse MDRO Management System, or Lighthouse MDRO Management System, which is currently in development, will be able to provide detailed MDRO molecular information about an individual patient's resistance profile, gleaned from our Acuitas MDRO Gene Test results, and integrate this data with other patient and hospital-wide data to help improve overall patient outcomes and to reduce hospital costs. We anticipate that this product will be launched commercially in the third quarter of 2015.
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OpGen (OPGN) Performance