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Nukkleus (Brilliant Acquisition) Priced, Nasdaq: NUKK

Blank check company targeting an Asia Pacific business (completed 12/22/2023).

Industry: SPAC

First Day Return: +0.5%

Industry: SPAC

We are a blank check company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands as a business company with limited liability. Our efforts in identifying prospective target businesses will not be limited to a particular industry or country, although we intend to focus on businesses that have their primary operations located in the Asia-pacific region (“Asia-pacific” or “Asia”). We believe that we will add value to these businesses primarily by providing them with access to the U.S. capital markets. We intend to deploy a pro-active, thematic sourcing strategy and to focus on companies where we believe the combination of our relationships, capital and capital markets expertise and operating experience of executives at Shanghai Ningsheng Enterprise Management Group Co., or “Ning Sheng Enterprise Co.”, our sponsor’s 100% parent company, can help accelerate the target business’ growth and performance.
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Nukkleus (Brilliant Acquisition) (NUKK) Performance