We are a newly organized Delaware blank check company. While we may pursue an acquisition in any business industry or sector, we intend to focus our efforts identifying businesses primarily in the direct-to-consumer and digitally-disruptive e-commerce spaces. We expect to target datadriven companies, including those producing infrastructure and software that support such targets’ ability to function with zero friction for their consumers. We intend to concentrate on companies founded with vision, run by smart teams who value diversity in all aspects of decision-making. We intend to focus on companies which have powerful relationships with their consumers, value their input and communicate with them effectively. We also intend to look for businesses which create, produce, own, distribute and/or market content, products and services or facilitate the sharing economy. These companies may serve both domestic and international audiences. Growth in these sectors has been driven by new technologies, the expansion of emerging markets, and new consumption habits lead by Millennials and “Gen Z” who value experiences as much as “stuff,” health over wealth and transparency in how something is produced. Some of these sectors may also reflect trends accelerated by the Covid 19 pandemic.