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MDJM Priced, Nasdaq: MDJH

Integrated real estate services company in China.

Industry: Real Estate

First Day Return: -6.0%

Industry: Real Estate

We primarily provide primary real estate agency services to our real estate developer clients, and provide, on an as-needed basis, real estate consulting services, and independent training services. Currently, our primary market is in the Tianjin Autonomous Municipality, one of the richest cities in the PRC, ranking sixth in the PRC based upon GDP per capita. Since 2014, we have expanded our market presence to other first and second tier cities in China including Chengdu of Sichuan province, and Suzhou and Yangzhou of Jiangsu province. Our goal is to become one of the leading real estate primary real estate agency service company in China that provides end-to-end full services to meet the diversity needs of the PRC real estate industry, and with geographical coverage in major second-tier and third-tier cities on the eastern seaboard of the PRC market, and in central China. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, our revenues were primarily generated from commission-based, primary real estate agency services. Our primary real estate agency services offerings include integrated marketing planning; advertising planning and execution; and sales planning and execution.
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MDJM (MDJH) Performance