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Liberty Oilfield Services Priced, NYSE: LBRT

Provides hydraulic fracturing services for the oil and gas industry.

Industry: Energy

First Day Return: +27.9%

Industry: Energy

We are a rapidly growing independent provider of hydraulic fracturing services to onshore oil and natural gas E&P companies in North America. We have grown organically from one active hydraulic fracturing fleet (40,000 HHP) in December 2011 to 13 active fleets (520,000 HHP) in April 2017. The demand for our hydraulic fracturing services exceeds our current capacity, and we expect, based on discussions with customers, to deploy six additional fleets (240,000 HHP) by the end of the first quarter of 2018, for a total of 19 active fleets (aggregating to a total of 792,500 HHP including additional supporting HHP). Our additional fleets consist of six fleets we recently acquired and are upgrading to our specifications. We provide our services primarily in the Permian Basin, the DJ Basin, the Williston Basin and the Powder River Basin and expect to deploy one or more fleets for customers in the Eagle Ford Shale in the second half of 2017. Our customer base includes a broad range of E&P companies, including Extraction Oil & Gas, SM Energy, Centennial Resource Development, Continental Resources, Devon Energy, Noble Energy, PDC Energy and Anadarko Petroleum.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 02/14/2017
Offer Price $17.00
Price Range $14.00 - $16.00
Offer Shares (mm) 12.7
Deal Size ($mm) $216
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 01/11/2018
Offer Price IPO Intelligence Only
Price Range IPO Intelligence Only
Offer Shares (mm) IPO Intelligence Only
Deal Size ($mm) $216
Lock-Up Date IPO Intelligence Only
Street Research IPO Intelligence Only
IPO Intelligence Only
Company Data
Headquarters Denver, CO, United States
Founded 2011
Employees at IPO 1,859

Liberty Oilfield Services (LBRT) Performance