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Fusion Pharmaceuticals Priced, Nasdaq: FUSN

Phase 1 biotech developing radiopharmaceuticals for solid tumors.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: 0.0%

Industry: Health Care

We are a clinical-stage oncology company focused on developing next-generation radiopharmaceuticals as precision medicines. We have developed our Targeted Alpha Therapies, or TAT, platform together with our proprietary Fast-Clear linker technology to enable us to connect alpha particle emitting isotopes to antibodies and other targeting molecules in order to selectively deliver the alpha particle payloads to tumors. Our TAT platform is underpinned by our research and insights into the underlying biology of alpha emitting radiopharmaceuticals as well as our differentiated capabilities in target identification, candidate generation, manufacturing and supply chain and development of imaging diagnostics. We believe that our TATs have the potential to build on the successes of currently available radiopharmaceuticals and be broadly applicable across multiple targets and tumor types. Our lead product candidate, FPI-1434, utilizes our Fast-Clear linker to connect a humanized monoclonal antibody that targets the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor, or IGF-1R, with the alpha emitting isotope actinium-225, or 225Ac. IGF-1R is a well-established tumor target that is found on numerous types of cancer cells, but historical attempts to suppress tumors by inhibiting the IGF-1R signaling pathway have been unsuccessful in the clinic. We are currently conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial of FPI-1434 as a monotherapy in patients with solid tumors expressing IGF-1R and plan to report initial data from the dose escalation portion of this trial approximately three to six months after we fully resume clinical activities following operating disruptions caused by COVID-19.
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Fusion Pharmaceuticals (FUSN) Performance