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FTS International Priced, NYSE: FTSI

Vertically integrated provider of hydraulic fracturing for the oil and gas industry.

Industry: Energy

First Day Return: +14.5%

Industry: Energy

We are one of the largest providers of hydraulic fracturing services in North America based on both active and total horsepower of our equipment. Our services enhance hydrocarbon flow from oil and natural gas wells drilled by exploration and production, or E&P, companies in shale and other unconventional resource formations. Our customers include large, independent E&P companies, such as Devon Energy Corporation, EOG Resources, EP Energy Corporation, EQT Production Company and Newfield Exploration Company, that specialize in unconventional oil and natural gas resources in North America. We are one of the top-three hydraulic fracturing companies in some of the most active basins in the United States, including the SCOOP/STACK Formation, Marcellus/Utica Shale, Eagle Ford Shale and the Haynesville Shale. We also have an extensive, long-standing presence in the Permian Basin and have recently increased our presence in this basin by 50%.
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FTS International (FTSI) Performance