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EHang Holdings Priced, Nasdaq: EH

Chinese developer of autonomous drones used for passenger services.

Industry: Industrials

First Day Return: -0.1%

Industry: Industrials

We are an autonomous aerial vehicle technology platform company. We are pioneering the future of transportation through our proprietarily developed AAVs and related commercial solutions. We believe we are the first in the world to launch passenger-grade AAVs, setting a new milestone in the deployment and proliferation of AAV technology. We design, develop, manufacture, sell and operate AAVs and their supporting systems and infrastructure for a broad range of industries and applications, including passenger transportation, logistics and aerial media solutions. We aim to make it safe and convenient for both passengers and goods to take to the air. We delivered our first passenger-grade AAV to a customer in March 2018. As of the date of this prospectus, we have delivered 38 passenger-grade AAVs, developed two command-and-control centers for smart city management and completed over 70 aerial media performances. As of the date of this prospectus, we have unfilled purchase orders for 28 passenger-grade AAVs. As we continue to refine and commercialize our passenger-grade AAVs and air mobility solutions, we believe we will be able to capture addressable markets across multiple industries and develop AAV commercial applications in new industries.
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EHang Holdings (EH) Performance