We founded DoorDash to be a merchant-first business. We enable local brick-and-mortar businesses to thrive in an increasingly convenience-driven economy with rapidly evolving consumer expectations. We do this primarily through the DoorDash Marketplace, or our Marketplace, which offers a broad array of services that enable merchants to solve mission-critical challenges such as customer acquisition, delivery, insights and analytics, merchandising, payment processing, and customer support. DoorDash helps merchants drive significant incremental sales and leverage the fixed cost investments that they have already made. Our Marketplace enables merchants to establish an online presence and expand their reach. It generates significant demand for merchants by connecting them with millions of consumers. Merchants can fulfill this demand through delivery, facilitated by our local logistics platform, or in-person pickup by consumers. Through our Marketplace, merchants can also initiate and run promotions to drive incremental sales and attract new consumers. Today, we connect over 390,000 merchants, over 18 million consumers, and over 1 million Dashers in the United States, Canada, and Australia through our local logistics platform.