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Cogent Biosciences (Unum Therapeutics) Priced, Nasdaq: COGT

Developing antibody-coupled T-cell receptor immunotherapies for cancers.

Industry: Health Care

First Day Return: -7.4%

We are a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel immunotherapy products designed to harness the power of a patient's immune system to cure cancer. Our proprietary technology, called antibody-coupled T cell receptor (ACTR), is a universal, engineered cell therapy that is intended to be used in combination with a wide range of tumor-specific antibodies to target different tumor types. Our product candidates are composed of ACTR T cells co-administered with approved and commercially available antibodies or antibodies in clinical development. Our vision is to use our ACTR platform to transform cancer treatment and deliver patient cures in many different hematologic and solid tumor cancers, improving upon current cell therapies. In our ongoing Phase I clinical trial using our lead ACTR construct, ACTR087, to treat adult patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma (r/r NHL), we have demonstrated clinical proof of concept, as evidenced by ACTR T cell expansion and persistence, a favorable tolerability profile at the first dose level, and anti-tumor activity. We recently completed patient enrollment into the dose escalation phase of this trial and are advancing towards testing in an expanded patient cohort using an optimized dose of ACTR087 to support potential registration trials.
IPO Data
IPO Date 03/28/2018
Offer Price IPO Intelligence Only
Price Range IPO Intelligence Only
Offer Shares (mm) IPO Intelligence Only
Deal Size ($mm) $69
Lock-Up Date IPO Intelligence Only
Street Research IPO Intelligence Only
IPO Intelligence Only
Company Data
Headquarters Cambridge, MA, United States
Founded 2014
Employees at IPO 53

Cogent Biosciences (Unum Therapeutics) (COGT) Performance

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