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BioNexus Gene Lab Priced, Nasdaq: BGLC

Distributes chemical products and provides non-invasive blood tests in Asia.

Industry: Industrials

Latest Trade: $0.23 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: +21.8%

Return from IPO: -94.3%

Industry: Industrials

BioNexus Gene Lab Corp., through our wholly owned subsidiary Chemrex Corporation Sdn Bhd., focuses on the sale of chemical raw materials for the manufacture of industrial, medical, appliance, aero, automotive, mechanical, and electronic industries in the Southeast Asia region. These countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other countries in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, the Company is also in the business of developing and providing safe, effective, and non-invasive liquid biopsy tests for the early detection of disease risks derived from evidence-based research to minimize treatment costs and improve patient management on his current health status. Our non-invasive blood tests provide analysis of changes in RNA to detect the potential risk of 11 different diseases.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 02/14/2023
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $4.00
Offer Shares (mm) 1.3
Deal Size ($mm) $5
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 07/20/2023
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $4.00
Offer Shares (mm) 1.3
Deal Size ($mm) $5
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Network 1 Financial Securities
Company Data
Headquarters Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Founded 2004
Employees at IPO 32

BioNexus Gene Lab (BGLC) Performance