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American Farmland Company Priced, NYSE American: AFCO

Internally managed REIT with farmland in California, Illinois and Florida.

Industry: Real Estate

First Day Return: -13.4%

Industry: Real Estate

While we will be internally managed upon completion of this offering, we have previously been an externally managed real estate company. We focus primarily on the acquisition of a diversified portfolio of permanent crop, specialty/vegetable row crop and commodity row crop farmland, including development farmland located in the U.S. in select major agricultural states. We lease our farms to experienced professional farmer tenants under a variety of lease structures with staggered durations, including fixed leases and participating leases. As of June 30, 2015, our portfolio was comprised of 17 farms with approximately 15,378 gross acres, including nine farms in California, three farms in Florida, three farms in Illinois, one property in Arkansas and one property consisting of two aggregated parcels, one of which is in Alabama and the other of which is in Georgia. Subsequent to June 30, 2015, we have acquired two additional properties (one of which was aggregated with an existing farm), increasing our total portfolio to approximately 16,136 gross acres with a value of approximately $207.7 million, holding the two recent acquisitions at cost.
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American Farmland Company (AFCO) Performance