We are a blank check company. Our management team has broad skills and experience relevant to our business strategy, as well as their extensive experience of identifying, investing, growing and operating businesses in diverse sectors. Our management team also has extensive governance, regulatory and public company leadership experience. We believe our competitive advantages include the experience of our management team in technology, strategic investments and finance, as well as its significant relationships worldwide in public and private industry. We believe that our team is well positioned to identify attractive business combination opportunities with a compelling industry backdrop and an opportunity for transformational growth. Our objectives are to generate attractive returns for shareholders and enhance value through improving performance of the acquired company and possibly providing access to needed growth capital. We expect to favor opportunities with certain industry and business characteristics. Such key characteristics include stable historical long-term growth promising future opportunities, strong competitive advantages, opportunities in leveraging the emerging social media and e-commerce platforms, opportunities for benefiting from a high potential growth from young generation consumers, and capability to adopt advanced technologies.